According to a new report by the Dailymail, “more than 6,500 UK branch staff will be able to claim private hormone treatment.” This comes after NatWest implemented new employee benefits that will reportedly fund all of their transgender staff’s private non-surgical hormone treatment, as well as gender identity support and counselling, on track to make themselves a “more inclusive employer”.
Why is this important? Well because 48 percent of NatWest is owned and paid for by the taxpayer. What do I mean by this? Well, in terms of government ownership, they have bought (with money from our back pocket) 703.5 million shares at 190.50 pence per share for a total of £1.6 billion.
NatWest has also decided they are going to partially copy Halifax, in terms of reviewing their employment policies to “ensure language and scenarios are LGBT+ inclusive.”
All proposed policy changes, outlined above, will come into force from September.