We are pleased to release the full footage from the most talked about and feared show in Llanelli, Answer Time!

Hosted by Ben Walker, UKIP Chairman and joined by a panel Including Charlie Downes, political commentator and regular speaker on Talk TV & Lotus Eaters, Dan Morgan, Voice Of Wales reporter & presenter and Paul Campbell, UKIP Wales regional officer.

The locals are concerned with what is happening in the Stradey Park Hotel & Spa and are looking for answers! UKIP have said they have a solution & the people wanted to hear it.

This event was attacked by local politicians, police & far left agitators who hounded, threatened & abused venue owners not to host the event. We went through 3 venues on the day just to host this show! A show hosted and booked by a registered political party and the dirty tricks used by the establishment were in plain sight for all to see.

Hope you enjoy


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