Suella Braverman adjusts the angle of pitch on the rearranged deckchairs on the Titanic.
Home Secretary Suella Braverman has been highlighting her deal with the French, trying to stop migrants crossing the Channel, signed on the 14th of November. Against a background of official figures of 41,769 migrants crossing in 2022, plus 972 that entered on Saturday, and 853 on Sunday, it seems out of control.
The deal costing an extra €9.3 million to €72 million annually will see a 40% increase in French officers patrolling beaches. Also, UK based officers will work with French control teams in coordinating support and information.
Ms. Braverman said: ‘There are no quick fixes, but this new arrangement will mean we can significantly increase the number of French gendarmes patrolling the beaches in northern France and ensure UK and French officers are working hand in hand to stop the people smugglers.’
The glaring omission is that there is no agreement to return unsuccessful migrants or returning boats back to France.
Local Dover, Conservative MP Natalie Elphicke, says the deal with France ‘falls far short of what’s needed’. She wants more radical solutions, like joint patrols on French beaches.
It seems French President Emmanuel Macron’s reaction falls into two areas. Firstly, since Britain has left the EU, he wants to make Britain pay for their “mistake.” Secondly, the Ocean Viking ship full of migrants was refused entry to Italy by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni with its 234 migrants. Macron allowed them to dock in French port. You have to question whether his heart is in stopping migration from the 3rd World.
It seems that the French do not seem to do too many identification checks, although many are fingerprinted. We have no real means of identifying migrants, as DNA is not recorded. The migrants generally dispose at sea all passports & identity papers. It is so bad on one day alone, eighty violent and wanted criminals by Interpol were processed and admitted at Manston. One was a man convicted of murder in 2010 in Greece.
Enraged Britons will probably agree with Natalie Elphicke that the deal is insufficient. The cost to the taxpayer is an eye watering £3 billion a year. Ungrateful migrants complaining about everything from the lack of been given a house to the quality of the food. There is a palpable feeling they have a sense of entitlement and are often referred to as “gimmegrants.” Britain has 200,000 homeless, many of whom are forces veterans who would be delighted to have a roof over their head and something to eat.
Many migrants, especially the Albanians seem to be overrepresented in crime, whether drug dealing or prostitution. There are extensive reports of young teenage girls being approached and sexually harassed.
People in Britain have little or no sympathy for the migrants. Sweden found that migrants who had been given asylum, 79 percent had gone home on holiday at some time.
Many believe Suella Braverman is metaphorically doing no more than adjusting the angle of pitch on the rearranged deckchairs on the Titanic. To use a vulgar term, the migrants seem to be taking the piss and it needs to stop.
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Whoaaa there…some fact checking please Dave…!
The people risking their lives crossing the channel are NOT migrants. 100% of them are legal Refugee Asylum Seekers of which 81% are later given leave to stay in the UK.
There are fewer people seeing asylum than in 2002 or the 1990’s. Oct 31- Nov 6th only 1 boat & 46 people came.
Do you include Albanians as legitimate refugees?
The 81% is a disgrace, motivated mainly by Home Office ideology. These are French acceptance figures. Overall, 18% are allowed to stay, 82% are rejected. We are being taken for fools.
Somalia 2,726 14.8 %
Pakistan 2,591 3.8 %
Haiti 2,552 8.9 %
Syria 2,255 61.0 %
Ukraine 2,039 1.9 %
Mali 2,038 17.4 %
Eritrea 1,808 70.0 %
Sudan 1,674 40.9 %
Serbia 1,445 3.1 %
Algeria 1,312 4.2 %
Senegal 1,156 12.7 %
Moldova 1,059 0.2 %
Mauritania 1,017 16.8 %
Iraq 32.4 %
Venezuela 27.3 %
Central Africa 48.4 %
Morocco 16.5 %
Burundi 32.7 %
Egypt 11.4 %
Tunisia 8.7 %
Iran 32.0 %