The title of this article is pretty self explanatory. I’ve had many experiences with the Home Office during my pursuant contact with them and for the most part they are extremely secretive when it comes to anything regarding so-called “refugees.” There is also some recent news regarding this which I’ve found quite concerning.
Firstly, I need to explain that I’m working on an expose surrounding Clearspring Ready Homes Ltd, an organisation that’s been operating since around 2012 and is contracted until 2029 by the Home Office to house “Asylum Seekers”. During this investigation, I saw it necessary to send an FOI to the Home Office to ask how much they’re paying ClearSprings (per fiscal year) to house these economic migrants. Their response, though expected, was kind of lacking. They stated that the information I asked for was deemed as “confidential”. In other words, because this type of work is contracted out to a private company, the amount of money a public funded government body are paying them is confidential. This is your money! The money of the taxpayer and they are neglecting to tell you how much they are spending? Despite this, after a couple of hours of research I did manage to find the figures, but it’s still curious as to why the Home Office is so secretive when it comes to housing migrants.
In an article from Breitbart, the Home Office refused to comment on the fact that the number of illegal migrant crossing the English Channel just hit an all-time high this year, during the period where the nation is mourning for the sad loss of Queen Elizabeth II.
According to statistics from the Ministry of Defence, 29,130 illegal migrants crossed the Channel this year, with 601 landing on Monday and a further 538 on Tuesday.
I feel it worth noting that Steve Laws, a journalist who covers the migrant crisis in depth, pointed out that a new building is being built in Dover where the migrants enter the UK illegally, which aims to cover public view so that the public can no longer see how many migrants are crossing the border. This is very concerning as it means the MOD can falsify statistics and we would have no knowledge of them doing so.
Furthermore, Steve Laws also sent a Freedom of Information request to the Home Office (which I have displayed below), which also illustrates the Home Offices refusal to answer a very simple question; how many illegal aliens are making the dangerous crossing over the channel.
This much is clear, the Home Office does NOT want the public to know the truth about these ILLEGAL ALIENS and how many are coming across. Voice of Wales will be here, as we always have, to cover this issue every step of the way.

we have a foreign globalist government on our soil who is doing everything in its power to dissolve our sovereignty, culture, heritage, christianity etc.
The judiciary is weaponised against the indigenous in favour of the muslim Pakistani peado grooming rape gangs that destroy our children, for the which the treasonous scum in westminster and their peado protecting woke masonic 🐽🐽🐽 (adherence to the ‘secret covenant’ – yes we see you)
are all COMPLICIT in this.
and to push their secret agenda further forward now we have the dinghy diver invasion assisted by the armed forces and home office border farce.
We are at war with this TREASONOUS evil, but i believe i the lord jesus christ and wear the armour of god which protects me and in time they will be judged and cast to hell.
I am ready and fear not.