Previously, we covered Sunaks relationship with Infosys, who developed the largest social credit system currently being operated in India, we also exposed how one of the hedge funds he worked for, run by Chris Hohn, donated an extremely large sum of money to Extinction Rebellion.
In fact, the deeper I dive down the Sunak rabbit hole, the more alarming things I uncover and over the course of the next few weeks watch this space as we publish article after article exposing Sunak’s contacts, work history, political opinions/affiliations, etc.
On the 24th October, Narenda Modi, the Indian Prime Minister, posted to his twitter account claiming he is looking forward to working with Sunak on achieving WEF ‘Roadmap 2030’, “Warmest congratulations Rishi Sunak! As you become UK PM, I look forward to working closely together on global issues and implementing Roadmap 2030. Special Diwali wishes to the ‘living bridge’ of UK Indians, as we transform our historic ties into modern partnership.”
Roadmap 2030, refers to the 2030 vision which is branded a “fourth industrial revolution”, but in reality refers to the Great Reset. A lot of people will claim that the Great Reset is just a conspiracy theory, however, the WEF literally has it written on their website. The Great Reset is a so-called “economic recovery plan drawn up by the World Economic Forum in response to the COVID-19 pandemic”.
Firstly, their plan is to implement a stakeholder economy, which is an economic system whereby business decisions ‘benefit’ all people and the planet, as opposed to a shareholder capitalism economic system, where businesses focus on profits. A stakeholder economy is socialism, where individuals and interests have a take through democratic representation. The Great Reset will also ensure through legislation that everyone focuses heavier on ‘sustainability and the environment’, with new laws governing “intellectual property, trade, and competition.”
The Great Reset aims to make us all slaves to the system. They hope to achieve this by 2030. The WEF also has a bunch of other items on their 2030 roadmap, such as ensuring all products have become services; “you will own nothing and be happy”, as said by WEF founder Klaus Schwab, they aim to implement a global price on carbon, removing “ US imperialism”, making people eat insects over meat, boosting immigration, removing checks and balances (once this is removed, the nation in question is no longer a democracy but a dictatorship), etc.
This is the WEF’s plan for the world, a plan of which is slowly being worked towards by nearly every country on the planet. In the UK, the WEF is now in control of our King, PM, Government, Leader of Opposition, Opposition Parties and the Media. And this is what Narenda Modi is referring to when talking about “Roadmap 2030.”
Check out our most recent articles on Sunak:
Sunak Has the Contacts to Implement a Social Credit System
Social Credit System: Sunak and His Ties to Extinction Rebellion