Stan Says:
In almost 50 years since the Rivers of Blood speech Enoch Powell warned us as he wrote:
“Like the Roman, I seem to see “the River Tiber foaming with much blood”, suggesting that continued immigration and the enshiring of race equality legislation might cause future violence and unrest in the UK.
The discussion surrounding Islamism has been stymied by one thing: “the naïve belief that it will magically disappear”.
It is two weeks to the day since Sir David Amess was stabbed to death, and already it seems like it’s old news; discarded from the national conversation.
It use to be that after every Islamic attack, promises where made. Ambitious changes to anti-terror programmes where ordered.
Now politicians line up to condemn the online abuse the MPs receive for putting us in this mess in the first place!
And yet somehow — despite all the vigils, all the singing, all the pledges, all the policy announcements — Islamic terrorism remains as potent as ever.
Voice of Wales