Have you ever wondered what the top cops do to justify their high earnings in the National Police Chiefs Council and the College of Policing? We would like to think they were working flat out to get more officers back on the streets, reduce Serious crime, stabbings, shootings and to improve the pathetic detection rates, but in the attached article we can see they have other priorities in their Woke bubbles: sorting out menopause in the workplace! All forces are striving to reach their goals and quotas of employing 40%, Female officers. The new menopause guidelines set out the need to educate male supervisors to be sympathetic, to give time off and arrange flexible shifts for the more mature female constables, they boast that ‘the women of menopausal age are the fastest growing group in the workforce’, this also ties in with ‘family-friendly policies so that the younger ladies can also choose work patterns to resolve child care and work around school hours, their male colleagues will, of course, be expected to be more flexible and work harder to cover any shortfalls. In the past, the Police prioritized preventing and detecting crime and putting Bobbies on the street who were mentally and physically capable of carrying out their role, in 2022 the new Policies may be good for the ladies, but surely the British public deserves ‘Public’ friendly policies?