Remember the good old days when the police were impartial and effective at preventing and detecting crime? It seems a long time ago. The British Police used to have a fantastic reputation and were trusted by the majority of the communities they served.
The British Police set standards in crime procedures for other police forces throughout the world to follow. They would send officers to other countries to share their expertise and assist with their training.
Fast forward to 2023, a wave of wokeism, political correctness and diversity brainwashing has swept into all our institutions from abroad. This tsunami of destruction has not only brought policing to its knees but all public services under the influence of old style politicians and civil servants.
We all watch in horror at the daily news stories of multiple shootings, knife attacks, drug gangs butchering each other and gangs of muslim men gang raping children.
Crime rates have rocketed and detection rates plummeted.
Who is to blame? Our politicians – from all parties – they control how the police are run and how they are funded; they set the strategies and direction for Chief Constables to follow.
They have allowed the police to be influenced by the Police Crime Commissioners and other umbrella organisations such as the College of Policing and National Police Chief’s Council.
All forces have to hold independent ethic committee meetings so that left wing university professors who chair the meetings can approve policies put forward by senior police officers.
The politicians and senior police officers are now closely ensconced in their comfy little bubbles. The police are no longer accountable and no longer impartial. At VoW we have experienced this first hand, they interpret legislation and procedures depending on the political stance of the persons who dare to challenge or embarrass them.
The Conservatives sacked 20,000 officers after 2010 – they were warned this would destroy the police but ignored the advice. In 2019 they were forced to u-turn and pledged in the election to recruit 20,000 replacements. Out of the 15,000 hastily recruited officers to date, many scarcily vetted, 2,000 have already resigned, many stating they didn’t realise the job required working shifts or dealing with violence.
The new recruitment uses a quota system which aims to attract 40% females and a larger percentage from minority groups. All new entrants will be required to have a degree or obtain one whilst serving.
There are still some hard working old school officers working hard out on the streets trying to fight crime, but they are severely handicapped by their modern-day leaders who lack the experience and skills for their role.
Lions led by donkeys springs to mind but change the donkeys to unicorns.
All i can say is God help us, because the modern-day police won’t.
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Sorry, I cannot remember some good old days when the police have ever been any help whatsoever to me.
At 77 I have had reason to contact the police and never once have they been remotely helpful.
As children we reported a plane crash and were treated as liars. They then wanted us to talk.
As tipsy sailor glad to be home after Confrontation in 1964 arrested for drunk and disorderly, went quietly, got beaten up in police station.
When subject to nuisance phone calls and we identified the caller they refused to take any action.
Three burglaries got three crime numbers and no visit despite identifiable evidence.
Attacked in street- that’s you said – he said.
Motor incident covered by cctv – Those recordings are confidential.
The list goes on…
The reality seems to be: “fuck off we cannot be bothered with the little people like you”.
Such a tragedy to see the downward spiral of our once great police force.