Who is safe in a nation or country of sanctuary where war heroes are found homeless who fought for the very freedom we are giving away.

It’s not that Voice of Wales are against immigration, but we oppose that others are given the right before our very own, and while immigration takes place and the U.K. be a safe haven for many, we still stand for what’s right and where there’s immigration there’s also a FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) problem among those who immigrate and the only media company speaking up about this problem appears to be Voice of Wales.



  1. That’s the sad part. Customs which are barbaric being brought here. Surely with what the UK has to offer people who come here, freedom, safety, etc. it’s not too much to ask them to leave those barbaric customs behind.

    • They are here to take over and turn this country into the same shitholes they fled.

      • You only need look at London, Cardiff, Birmingham, Greater Manchester to understand Intergration and diversity are failed and bankrupt ideas.

    • They are here to take over and turn this country into the same shit holes they fled.

    • I have no problem with people turning up on boats. Its what our ancestors did all the way to before 6000BC, before which we weren’t actually an island and you could just walk here 👍

      I think if we turned a compassionate arm to these people and integrated them into our system then we might earn some decent assimilated workers.

  2. Someone needs to take that tag off that bench. No one consulted the public of Swansea to see if we wanted to be a city of sanctuary, my doctor’s surgery had over 2000 patients added to its books practically overnight when the new part of Swansea university opened up, this increase the waiting time to see a doctor by weeks!
    Go find sanctuary elsewhere because your pulling the people who built this city down.
    Don’t want you, any of you, unless you genuinely need help.

    • Actually Peter I think that plaque shows how low the City of Swansea has become. The City is terminally ill with the corrupt practices of Labour.

      Not caring for the many – only the few!

  3. I will never vote for a Lie-bour Council. Swansea ‘Leader Rob Stewart’ as well ‘First Minister Mark Drakeford’ is a waste of tax-payers hard earned cash. Don’t get me started with regards to Sir Keir Rodney Starmer who is now Leader of the Labour Party but is a former Lawyer and was head of Prosecution who had refused to CHARGE JIMMY SAVILLE WITH SEX OFFENCES! His idiotic and pathetic actions over the past years have proved to be unforgivable, example, changing the shop names, removing statues, wasting money on that ugly Golden Bridge, and the public did not vote for our City to be a City of Sanctuary, wonder why that was not put to a vote eh, is because the public would have said NO! And there are plenty more scandals like this matter of the Dragon Hotel and much, much more. Hopefully the tide is now turning against the Lie-bour Councils and Party, even they own supporters are turning against them. Look at the state of our City, the idiotic decisions made and the money wasted and continues to be wasted yet they always seem to want more money from us. Lie-bour are a threat to modern day Wales and are not you’re friends. Boycott them, stop voting for them.

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