Petitions supported by Voice Of Wales
Below, is a list of petitions that the Voice Of Wales support. Read the petition and if you agree to it, please sing and share it, to get the petition past the thresholds for it to be heard in parmliment.

#StopTheSchoolsBill Trending on TWITTER! – Attempted Power Grab to Give the Schools More Power Than the Parents.
A new School Bill proposed by the UK Government will enable schools to threaten parents with prison sentences if they neglect to receive permission to take their child out of school for a day or two – whether that be for a holiday, illness, etc. This is something PCP Wales have been talking about for quite a while…
Welsh Government should hold a referendum before expanding the size of the Senedd
Welsh Labour in a cooperation agreement with Plaid Cymru are proposing to increase the numbers of Members of the Senedd from 60 to 96. Neit…
Create a Recall Mechanism for Poorly Performing Members of the Senedd
Create a Recall Mechanism for Poorly Performing Members of the Senedd
Calling on the Welsh Government not to vaccinate children 12 years and younger against COVID-19
Healthy children are at low risk from COVID-19 yet face known and unknown risks from COVID-19 vaccines. Rare, but serious, adverse events and deaths are being reported to monitoring systems around the world.
The new Heads of the Valley road should not be restricted to 50 mph
The Welsh Government has spent £336m to improve the Heads of the Valley road which was previously restricted to 50mph. If the new road is also restricted to 50mph the £336m will have been completely wasted.
Invest in flood defences on the Towy in Carmarthen including the Quayside area
The Towy floods multiple times a year affecting businesses that sit alongside it. Something needs to be done as a matter of urgency, the public see plenty of meetings but no action.
Protect the people of Wales – Take urgent action on the housing crisis now
Local people are being priced out of their own communities. This is destroying our culture and language. Simply building more houses is not enough. We call for a fundamental rethink of policy to prioritise the social, cultural and economic needs of the people of Wales in line with Cymraeg 2050 and the Well-being of Future Generations Act.
Resume rail services from all closed railway stations
Since July 7th 2020, multiple railway stations around Wales have been “temporarily closed”. It has been over 8 months since the closure and evidence is to be seen that the rail industry and local economy is suffering because of the decision.
Repeal Coronavirus Regulations and end all Covid-19 restrictions
Abolish all Covid restrictions, restore civil liberties & social freedoms and increase focus on education, guidance, advice and best practices.
Allow freedom of choice in favour of mental health: Those who wish to isolate at home may do so freely; as may those who wish to return to normal life.