Since Boris along with all the other candidates dropped out of the race, Sunak is to become the next Prime Minister, so now it’s time we continue to take a deeper and deeper look into Sunak; his personal ties, funding, work history, etc. so expect to see a lot more articles on the subject, going forward.
In our previous article, which can be found here, we exposed Sunak’s family ties with the company Infosys, which developed the world’s largest social credit system being operated in India, overall conveying that Sunak has the contacts to implement a social credit system in the UK. That fact, plus his suspicious links with Extinction Rebellion and his plan to achieve net zero, should alarm you to the potential of a social credit making its way to the UK.
It wouldn’t be that far out of the realm of possibility, especially after you notice the “go smarter, go active” scheme recently launched in Sunderland. This programme will run from March to August 2023 and aims to encourage people to use more “sustainable” modes of transport – such as cycling or walking. Those who use more “sustainable” modes of transport will be rewarded with points that can then be exchanged for “rewards such as discounts in local shops, free coffees, vouchers or charity donations.”
Sunderland City Council’s Deputy Leader and Portfolio holder for the Environment and Transport, Councillor Claire Rowntree said, “encouraging residents to walk, cycle and use public transport instead of relying on their cars for shorter journeys is one way we can cut Sunderland’s carbon emissions as the council and partners are committed to making the city carbon neutral by 2040.”
They can disguise it as whatever they like, by definition this is a social credit system and though not mandatory, will set the premise for a completely digital currency, which the WEF aims to implement by 2030. The same WEF that Sunak is a member of. It will start with the aim of achieving net zero, and then they will connect it to your vaccine passport, to your online activities and so on. This scheme is a pilot, it’s a test. Like the WEF said about the lockdown restrictions, “it’s a test of social responsibility”, which is a dressed up word meaning “compliance”.
Whether it be fracking, net zero, ‘sustainable’ energy, Sunak is embedded deeply within the so-called trenches of climate activism. He is anti-carbon, deliberately oblivious to the actual facts on the subject, and has distinct undefendable ties with ER. Before we get into that, I feel it worth mentioning that Sunak has also claimed while just 20 years old that he has “friends who are aristocrats, I have friends who are upper class, I have friends who are working class… well not working class.” Lets reiterate, this unelected non-christian climate-alarmist with Indian immigrant parents who also has ties to the man who designed the social credit system in India, also has no friends who are working class? Once again, the little man is being stepped on while the rich and powerful become more rich and powerful.
Furthermore, everyone knows that Sunak worked for Goldman Sachs, but it has also been revealed that he worked briefly for Chris Hohn’s Hedge Fund – The Children’s Investment Fund Management (TCI). Yes, we now have a banker in control of this country.
TCI is a London-based hedge fund management firm established in 2003, and makes long-term investments in companies globally. My interest in this particular hedge fund orientates around a few investments made by Chris Hohn himself.
In 2019, it was exposed that Sir (yes, sir) Christopher Hohn had given £200,000 to Extinction Rebellion, which collectively is the biggest individual sum given to the self-proclaimed activists. After donating this large amount of money he adamantly claimed there was an “urgent need” for people to become awake to climate change. I find it even more ironic, however, that he also owns a £630 million stake in the owners of Heathrow airport. £50,000 of the total sum came from his own pocket, while the rest came from his charity.
Interestingly he also owns shares in three other airports owned by the Spanish airports group Aena.
Letters have already been sent to Sunak, calling for the installations of ‘green jobs… to tackle climate change’ and with his track record we could soon see them implemented.
Conclusively, Sunak has the ties to bring in a social credit system plus an unwavering aim to fight climate change. It’s up to you to form your own opinion, but what I can say is that you best be prepared in case something does happen.