Guest Writer - Bishop Dewar
Today we celebrate everything it means to be Welsh as we remember our Patron Saint. I live reasonably close to St David’s Cathedral in Pembrokeshire, many times I have walked across the waters where St David stood praying for hours every day. I must be honest; I can count on one hand the number of times I have stopped to think of what he went through every day, or the reasoning behind why he was praying.
That’s a sad statement to make as a Cleric, but one that also reflects the heart of our nation in today’s modern and busy world. How many of us truly stop to think about what we’re doing and why we’re doing it? In fact, how many of us truly do something for the good of those around us instead of ourselves?
There’s a sadness that often fills my heart when I look at what we have become as a people in Wales, because we’re constantly encouraged to ‘look after number 1!’ but the reality of what makes Wales so great is that we are a people who always cared about other people. Our lives and our communities were built in that spirit, we thrived when we all worked together as a people!
In 1904, Wales heralded a revival that would change the face of our nation and set us on a world stage in an unparalleled way…over a century later, people still revere and regale the Welsh Revival…so today, as we think on all that it means to be Welsh, let us once again find a ‘Revival In Our Hearts’ of what it means to really be Welsh, that great Welsh community spirit, and a society built on helping everyone, not just ourselves!
Today, in the spirit of St David, do something for someone else…and let it cost you something, knowing that your reward is touching someone else’s life…!!
Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus
+Ceirion Cambrensis
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What a fantastic ‘though for the day’ morality everyone could live by.
Thank you ‘Bish’
God Bless and Happy St. David’s Day.