After 45 days in office, Liz Truss has already embarrassed the country by handing in her resignation. Over the past six months, we have lived through two Prime Ministers, three Chancellors, two Home Secretaries and two Monarchs, which has left me to assume that we are currently in a midst of a globalist coup and it’s amusing watching this pantomime unfold before our very eyes. But let’s ignore the current resignations and quickly take a gander at what happened as soon as Boris left; our Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, Chancellor, Home Secretary and Justice Secretary were all replaced with remoaners, singling out the Foreign Secretary, James Cleverly as the only pro-Brexit politician in one of the seven highest positions within the UK government. Whether you believe this is a globalist coup or not, it is undeniable that there is some plot at play to keep the UK in the EU. But regardless, whether you voted Brexit or not should be rendered completely irrelevant as the concern is not that we are still a part of the EU, but moreso that over 70% turned up to vote, which is the highest turnout in history and yet we have still not left the European Union, which just further proves the highly prevalent illusion of democracy that has hypnotized an entire nation of people into believing they are free.
But let’s focus on who is to replace Liz Truss as the next Prime Minister. Boris Johnson has already announced that he will potentially be running again and Rishi Sunak has already announced his plans to run for PM. The court of public opinion seems to be in favor of bringing back Boris with BorisOrBust which was trending on Twitter a couple of days ago.
My opinion on the subject is that Boris is the best we’re going to get, whereas Rishi Sunak is another WEF puppet with some extremely dubious ties that leads me to question his true intentions, though that can be said for nearly every other modern-day politician. I mean, don’t get me wrong, Boris has a few skeletons in his closet too, but Rishi is the one that I’m personally least trustful of.
Let’s begin by taking a look at Sunak’s ties with a company called Infosys, a multibillion dollar corporation which is heavily in bed with the World Economic Forum. Sunak’s father in-law, Narayana Murthy, is an Indian billionaire businessman and is the founder of Infosys and was previously the chairman, CEO, President and chief mentor of the company before he retired in 2011. Once retired, he took the title chairman emeritus.
After leaving the company, Murthy’s daughter – Sunak’s wife – Akshata Murthy decided to buy 0.93% shares of the company. In April 2022, the total of her shares was valued at approximately $700 million.
One of the projects that Infosys is well known for, is their development of the Aadhaar card, the largest social credit system currently being operated in India. The Aadhaar card is a “12-digit unique identity for every Indian individual, including children and infants and enables identification for every resident Indian”, they also claim that “it is a voluntary service that every resident can avail irrespective of present documentation.” But let’s take a closer look at what it actually does.
The Aadhaar card tracks everything you purchase, your location, what medicines you’ve taken, etc and is essentially (though disguised by the mainstream media) a blatant social credit system, like the one they implemented in China. The Aadhaar card uses algorithms among other pieces of technology to determine if you’re allowed to be in a certain area and whether you are allowed to work, travel, buy food or even get medical treatment. This system worked hand-in-hand with vaccine passports to determine whether you were allowed to travel, buy food, or go to the hospital. Those who aren’t vaccinated or committed a thought crime online would be rendered unable to visit a bar, restaurant or buy food.
To enroll yourself onto this scheme, you would be required to have biometric scans of your eyes and your fingerprints, this digital ID would also have to be kept constantly in-date if you wanted your monthly ration of food (typically rice) from the government. You would keep it in-date through your regular inoculations, including boosters, and anything else that was government-mandated.
Let me reiterate that this entire system was introduced into India in 2010, and was developed under Sunaks father in-law, and his wife owns shares in it. If this were to be brought into the UK, Sunak has the contacts to do it, and that’s why as controversial as it sounds, we need to bring back Boris.