Aida H Dee from DQSH now employed at BBC

Aida H Dee from DQSH now employed at BBC

Cast your mind back to the summer when Sab Samuel, the drag queen who performs under the stage name Aida H Dee, toured libraries all over the UK reading stories to small children. The drag queen declared “love has no age” on his social media page and...
Voice Of Wales At Drag Story Hour Somerset

Voice Of Wales At Drag Story Hour Somerset

James attended two demonstration’s recently to report on the happenings of the day. You will see the usual hostility from the ministry of peace followed by two tiered policing by the Avon & Somerset thought police. Click on the button below, to view the...
The Police Are NOT Politically Neutral.

The Police Are NOT Politically Neutral.

The supporters of Paedophiles have always had friends in very high places. We have seen on many occasions how the Establishment and in particular the British Police have thrown their full support behind the LGBTQ plus Movement, they openly take part in LGBTQ parades,...