The Biggest Overreach of the State

The Biggest Overreach of the State

The Biggest Overreach of the State: The Tommy Robinson Arrest Under the Terrorism Act The recent arrest of Tommy Robinson, a prominent freedom activist, underscores a significant overreach of state power. The timing of his detention, a mere day after he organised a...
Tommy Robinson Rally 27th July 2024

Tommy Robinson Rally 27th July 2024

On July 27th, the United Kingdom united in a spirited display of patriotism at the Tommy Robinson Rally. It was an exciting day that celebrated our rich cultural heritage and deep-rooted Christian beliefs. Attendees proudly waved the Union Jack, chanted in unison, and...
VOW with Paul Thorpe

VOW with Paul Thorpe

On the June 1st event we didn’t get a chance to have a chat with Paul Thorpe so it was great to get some time with him on the weekend! This was done after the march so it was great to get his thoughts on the day so far. Cheers mate Click on the button below, to...