The Story Behind Vaccines – A Very Good Read

The Story Behind Vaccines – A Very Good Read

The practice of immunisation dates back hundreds of years. Buddhist monks drank snake venom to confer immunity to snake bite and variolation (smearing of a skin tear with cowpox to confer immunity to smallpox) was practiced in 17th century China. Edward Jenner is...
No to Vaccine Passports Cardiff – Voice Of Wales

No to Vaccine Passports Cardiff – Voice Of Wales

Here is the footage from Tuesdays protest in Cardiff against the vaccine passports. The vote went through 28 to 27 in favour for but there was a Conservative MS who couldn’t log in to cast his vote. Here is the demo footage leading up to the vote.If you want to...
School Covid-19 question letter

School Covid-19 question letter

With the Government continuing to reduce the age of people who will be eligible for the Covid-19 vaccine, i feel it will only be a matter of time until they insist that our children also be vaccinated. Back on the 10th of November 2020, the then Secretary of State for...