An update on the Dragon Hotel as the plot thickens, including the mystery and the purpose of the building.
Voice of Wales received news from the building manager working for Clear Springs when we reported on this last year and was informed that the home office took over the building.
The only mystery is why a hotel will close when they’re in their busiest season of Christmas up until the 31st March?
Stan and James reports and gives us the new updates regarding the hotels new purpose.
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Fails online certainly are a den of vipers and we obviously have the whole socialist establishment in Wales lining up against VOW, and I’m sure that Stallin in the Senedd will be orchestrating all of this
As ever Heath your bang on the money
I will never vote for a Labour Council. Rob Stewart is a waste of Tax-Payers hard earned cash. His idiotic and pathetic actions over the past years have proved to be unforgivable, example, changing shop names, removing statues, wasting money on ugly Golden Bridge and much, much more. Hopefully the tide is turning against the Labour Councils, even they own supporters are turning against them.
Yes the Golden Turd Bridge is a particularly awful began on the Council Tax Payers….If memory serves a ‘Reconstructed Swan’ isnt that another name for road kill.
The Home Office Muslim Protectorate of Westminster plays things close to the chest. But they are said to be paying twice the normal rate for rooms in other captive hotels. Have to look after each other. Big Ben is now a minaret symbolic of the government of Britain.
Sounds like a new home for the invaders rowing across from France.
Certainly no sanctuary for homeless veterans or Welsh folk.
Exately, Rob Stewart and the rest of them need removing from power. These idiots have just made Swansea a City of Sanctuary, we did not vote for this, rather that party goer Mark Drakeford come to Swansea and signed off the matter of Swansea being a City of Sanctuary! The Welsh people deserve better, Rob Stewart and Mark Drakeford are a threat to Modern day Wales.
Agreed. I never voted, like most of Swansea, to become a city of sanctuary either. Who decided that, do you think?
The elected dross
Hear Hear. The indigenous Britons do deserve a lot better than the dross who control Wales presently.
Wales is being colonised & destroyed by design just like everywhere else
Replacement migration
Soon it will be ‘Racist’ to speak Welsh or celebrate St David’s day
Just wait & see
The English have done their utmost to bury Welsh History & Language
Now the Globalists are executing their agenda
No more nation states or National Identity
This is how it starts