The Renewable Energy Racket: How the Green Agenda is Sinking the U.K.

It’s time we took a hard look at this so-called “green revolution” that’s being sold to us like the answer to all our problems. The truth is, renewable energy is not about saving the planet. It’s about filling the pockets of elites and bureaucrats, and the price is being paid by ordinary consumers. As the share of electricity from renewables goes up, so too does the cost for every household, leaving families to foot the bill for this green dream.

Renewable energy—wind, solar, and all the rest—sounds good on paper. We all want clean air, right? But look at the facts. As more of our electricity comes from renewables, the real cost kicks in: higher energy prices, more taxes, and less reliable power. It’s no coincidence that the more we “decarbonise” the grid, the faster consumer prices rise. This is not about the environment; it’s about control.

Look at the players behind this agenda. We see politicians, billionaire activists, and corporate moguls. The likes of Bill Gates and Al Gore, flying across the planet in their private jets, all while preaching to the rest of us about carbon footprints. Or take Barack Obama, sitting comfortably in his multimillion-dollar beachfront estate, seemingly unbothered by the “rising sea levels” he warns us about. These are the same elites who want us to believe that renewable energy is our only option, yet they show no signs of scaling back their lavish lifestyles.

And don’t think this is just about wind turbines and solar panels. It’s about a broader agenda—the Net Zero obsession. It’s about deliberately driving up the cost of energy by forcing us to decarbonise the grid by 2030. That’s the aim of the new Labour hegemony—command-and-control policies that will hit every sector of our economy. This isn’t saving the planet; it’s wrecking the country.

Here’s the irony: as the elites push for unreliable renewables, the tech world is quietly admitting that renewables aren’t enough. AI databases, the backbone of modern innovation, are increasingly reliant on stable, reliable energy to function. They need energy sources that won’t fluctuate with the wind or the sun—sources like nuclear power. Yet nuclear energy, one of the cleanest and most reliable forms available, is constantly demonised by the green agenda. Why? Because it doesn’t fit their narrative. It doesn’t line their pockets with green subsidies or allow them to control the energy market in the same way.

Now we hear that more money is to be spent on carbon capture and £22 Billion to be flushed down the pan by crazy Miliband and Labour.

The renewable energy racket isn’t about keeping the lights on for future generations. It’s about keeping the public in the dark while those in charge get rich. It’s time we stopped swallowing the green propaganda and started asking: who really benefits from this green revolution? Because it’s not the average Brit.

Time for the fight back.

Stan Robinson

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