We already know that the modern-day Police are failing in their prime task of preventing and detecting crime, crime up, detections down, several Police forces under special measures.
So what are they doing? Where are they spending taxpayers money?
In 2022 members of VOW popped along to the Swansea Pride celebrations, we were hoping to spot a very rare species, the British beat bobby!
This species used to be found on most of our streets 24/7, especially in the locality of premises offering hot brews and other sustenance to ensure they survived their 8 hour foot patrol. The old-style patrol Bobby was known to be amiable and approachable unless provoked.
You could also expect one of the old style cops to turn up to a crime scene and actually carry out an investigation.
But what we witnessed during the Swansea pride celebration was a new breed of officer. Led by their head of wiggling, a Chief Superintendent and assisted by her Chief Inspector as head of festivities. A rare event for them to venture out, leaving their cosy offices, they made a sacrifice on this special occasion.
We observed not just one, but a gaggle of the modern Woke Police , and not facilitating the pride celebration, they were out in numbers actually taking part in the procession through the streets of Swansea.
The woke officers in their modern day plumage, LGBTQ epalettes, lanyards and rainbow painted Police vehicles. They had perfected the wiggle and dance moves to bond with their buddies on the March, handing out LGBTQ leaflets to crowds lining the streets.
When questioned about Police taking part in the parade and lack of impartiality they replied ‘ We have moved on from your day’
I dont know if the majority of the public will agree with their claim that Policing has moved on, and implying it has improved. Its now very difficult to contact Police to attend and investigate a crime.
The attached article shows 27 out of the 43 territorial UK forces have spent a total of at least £66,000 of scarce taxpayers money on LGBTQ merchandise. I suspect that the figure would have been far higher if all forces had replied to the freedom of information requests, and when full account is taken of spraying or adorning Police vehicles with rainbow stickers.
We can also add thousands more on to the cost of officers being sent on their diversity Stonewall indoctrination courses.
South Wales police leads in the virtue signalling contest, racking up a bill of £24,000 on rainbow flags, face paints, T-shirts, badges, pens, whistles, wristbands, sporks, trolley, water bottles and keyrings.
We have no problem with the gay LGB community and with their rights to enjoy their relationships, but not so much sympathy with the divisive transgender madness , and we ask why does it have to be done so publicly? At such expense to the public?
There is ample legislation in place in the UK to ensure their rights are protected and no longer discrimated against. So in these difficult economic times why is there still the need to spend thousands on policing an event centered around a persons sexuality?
The majority of the public will no doubt prefer for displays about sexual relationships and to take place in private, to see their money invested wisely in tackling crime.
The Police lost their impartiality by taking part in the procession, this later caused problems when they tried to Police protests against Drag Queens grooming kids in libraries in Cardiiff and elsewhere, the protesters reminded Police that the public no longer regarded them as impartial….the police were warned, but preferred to ignore the advice.