Voice Of Wales reports on Migrant accommodation in Llanelli.
Thanks to Roge and Jo for the tip.

Llys Y Drindon used to be accommodation for pensioners, a small community of elderly people all living together. Recently, these vulnerable pensioners have been booted out to make way for “Refugees”. Its been alleged that one man refused to leave and is still in the accommodation. Its also been alleged that within a few weeks of moving, one of the former residents passed away. The guy we spoke to suggested it was stress from moving.

If you have any information regarding the ex residents and current residents please get in touch. voiceofwales@hotmail.com.

So we can confirm Llys Y Drindod is being used to house “refugees”.

1 Comment

  1. So glad you uncovered this, everyone apart from 1 or 2 have turned a blind eye or know but don’t want to say anything.

    Thanks again.

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