Here is the official statement from Voice of Wales on the arrest and detention of two of its journalists. In a free society, a free press is essential, if you take away free press its no longer a free society.
V.o.W reporters Dan and Stan have been released from Newport Police station where they had the pleasure of Gwent Police hospitality for 32 hours.
They were arrested whilst doing their jobs as reporters covering an event for Voice of Wales media. Video footage, which we will have pleasure in releasing shortly, will show the two journalists interviewing and filming three protestors who were serving papers on staff at a vaccine centre in Cwmbran.
V.o.W staff were not involved in the protest but merely in attendance to record details to present to the public as usually allowed in a free democracy. In democratic countries the right to free speech and a free press are vital to ensure Politicians, Organisations and all parts of Establishment are scrutinised and accountable to the people.
Stan & Dan have been released but with Draconian bail conditions in place that restrict their personal lives and abilities to travel and work. They are seeking urgent legal advice.
They have been overwhelmed with your messages of support and send love and thanks to you all.
I’m sure many of you will know the wider picture behind the arrest of our two journalists, we have already experienced attempts by Welsh Politicians and left wing controlled main stream media in Wales to shut V.o.W down.
The Communist coalition ruling from Cardiff would prefer that the Welsh public only receive propaganda from left wing media sources. It has been noted that a Chief Inspector from the Gwent Senior command team personally attended to deal with the protest in Cwmbran, very unusual, and not normal procedure. It was also apparent from his comments to his staff at the scene that the Chief Inspector was aware of who V.o.W are before their arrival. A very large team of plain clothes officers was quickly assembled at huge cost to investigate a relatively minor incident involving three protestors.
As discussed in a previous article ‘Who controls the Police in Wales?’ Policing is not devolved to the Senedd, but Westminster only provide 36% of funding to Welsh Police forces, the rest is provided from within Wales.
Welsh Police forces are also controlled by the Police Crime Commissioners, the Senedd and Commissioners, therefore they have a huge influence on Police actions. We’ve previously posted a video showing Stan interviewing Mark Drakeford in Swansea, his hatred and opinion towards V.o.W are on view for all to see.
Voice of Wales was established to fill a gap in media coverage in Wales, and we are proud to say we are not puppets controlled by the Senedd. We cover all topics to raise awareness amongst our Communities. We will not be intimidated or bullied into submission, and recent events have made us even more determined to work harder.
We thank you all again for your fantastic support.
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Proud of you all.
Who is behind this?? Someone (s) is causing this censoring like it is in communist countries.(where it’s obvious who and why they’re doing it) That’s what investigators around the world need to find out.
How about raising funds to help VOW with legal fees
That would be fantastic.
We have a battle to fight
I thought it was getting bad in Germany with censorship but in Wales? We need to support free speech, keep up the good work VOW….
Never let up , stand strong, we the people are with you. We must stand together against this tyranny, Stan and Dan , you are heroes
True Heroes ! 👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🌎🌎🌎
More disgraceful behaviour by the police, who are supposed to work for us, the people.
Keep on keeping on lads.
Your independent journalism is vital in these days of controlled “News” from media outlets who are funded by Gates.
Local government Hitler’s will pay the price come election time…Tic Tock.
Thank you for your kind comments. Unfortunately we cannot elaborate any further at this time however your comment gives us the strength to carry on.
It’s clear that Drakeford and his secret commie police force are behind this. This is their tiny bit of power going to their heads. I hope you sue the pants off them for wrongful arrest and loss of your freedoms. Get those bail conditions lifted by a good lawyer asap.
Sake and arrest Drackford and health staff for tyranny they put the people of Wales throughout covid19 debacle.
Stay strong guys, I’m sure this is orchestrated from Drakeford, he hates you so much as displayed, if they held you for more than 24 hours I’m sure they’ve broken the law themselves, we are with you all the way
Over the target…
well done guys
Well done. You are heroes. On the right side of history.
The NWO(New Wales Order)rears its ugly head.
Karma is eternal and always finds the evil ones.
Divine justice is coming.
Can anyone truly believe that installing communism as the new world order is not a worldwide initiative backed by a limited number of global ‘elites’? We had all better wake up and support these brave journalists and their colleagues everywhere
check out the masonic ring…
no more questions needed.
Keep going , never never give up.
We are wining.. the madness proves it.
Hi Guys
Keep up the good work exposing the lies of the Welsh Labour Government. It will be no surprise that The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent if Jeff Cuthbert a former Labour AM until he managed to get this post. Look at Wikipedia and you will find that he was also a member in his past of the Militant tendency a Trotskyist group within the labour party. No doubt Mr Drakesford called his supporter for assistance.
I remember how mainstream media made out that Voice of Wales were far right, racist and the establishment pressured website platforms to remove Voice of Wales from their platforms but they come back fighting and are much stronger on many other platforms and are having great shows like “question and answers” which include some awesome guests. I have never seen any evidence of them being far-right or racist, there is never any evidence to back such nonsense up from the loony’s. Clearly it is rather ‘the establishments do not like questions from them that challenge or question them’. Some things to notice here on the Drakeford footage; ‘Drakeford gets TRIGGERED and SNAPS BIGTIME when he is rightly questioned by VoW Journalist!’… Listen to the aggression in Drakeford’s voice and great to know that he knows Stan’s name! Drakeford is shaken up by reality! As for the Stasi Police of Wales, it is shame on them for listening to the corrupt orders from above. These Stasi Police should not be making enemies but serving the People of Wales with respect and within the law. Again, arresting members of Voice of Wales and likewise has made them stronger and has shown your true colours. Shame on all those Police Officers from Cwmbran involved in the arrest of Voice of Wales Journalists…
When the world goes to war. It will be the opertunity to take your country back and fix it so this never happens again.
I had already personally emailed the police and crimes commissioner, Gwent, reminding him that the police serve the people and not the government. We live in a democratic country and enjoy freedoms the past generations have sacrificed a great deal for including the ultimate sacrife of life.
God help us if the Police and Crimes Bill is passed as it appears senior Police Chiefs would relish the opportunity to use it. It is quite apparent that something is now very wrong in this country and we are indeed moving very quickly into a tyrannical new system if we the people do not stand up.
If the police intend to keep behaving in this manner then anarchy will soon reign as the police will lose all respect and control, let’s hope not. The British people will only tolerate so much before a backlash will happen. This is something that is not wanted and certainly not needed as ordinary law abiding people will be criminalised as they are forced into a dystopian future. .
Mark Holland
Save Us Now Councillor
Blaenau Gwent Council
Sadly.. The Title of FILTH Comes to mind..
I believe I can speak for most Canadians – keep up the great work we are behind you 100%
Good stuff 👏 👍
Keep the heat on them and keep the light on them.
Those people who are forcing all of us to comply with these dictates are fascists. Blaming hippies living in communes is a ruse.
There are the fascists, the fascists’ collaborators, and what they consider useful idiots (the police).