All persons involved in the British criminal justice system have a sworn duty to remain impartial, yet we repeatedly witness these oaths being broken by the courts and the Police.
Dan &Stan recently appeared before a district judge at Newport crown court for an offence of failing to leave the land after committing Aggravated Tresspass, they had only been filming a protest against the use of Covid vaccines. The case collapsed due to lack of evidence.
The judge was obviously very disappointed and stated ‘the defendants were not innocent only wrongly charged’. Her political views toward any persons who dared to challenge or hold an alternative opinion on the covid lock down and legislation were clear to all.
The protestors who attended the Cwmbran vaccine centre felt very strongly that the vaccine was causing death and injury and took action to try to protect others. See video here https://voiceofwales.com/voice-of-wales-cwmbran-arrest-and-court-footage/
Contrast the case of the VOW journalists with this case in Birmingham involving left wing environmental globalist protestors. The judge again blatantly making political comments and fails to remain impartial.
Judge Wilkinson said: “You should feel proud that you care, have concern for the future. Good people doing the wrong thing cannot make the wrong thing right.”
The Judge said: “It’s abundantly clear that you are all good people. You are intelligent, articulate and a pleasure to deal with.
“It’s unarguable that man-made global warming is real and we are facing a climate emergency.
“Your aims are admirable and it is accepted by me and the Crown Prosecution Service that your views are reasonable and genuinely held.
Your aims are ably and genuinely articulated and are supported by the science.”
The Judge added: “When the United Nations Secretary General gives a speech saying that the activity of fossil fuel companies is incompatible with human survival, we should all be very aware of the need for change.
“Millions of people, and I do not dispute that it may be as many as 1 billion people, will be displaced as a result of climate change.
“No-one can criticise your motivations. You all gave evidence that was deeply moving. I certainly was moved”