The ever growing cost of living crisis is having a major, detrimental impact on each of our lives. We struggle, while politicians exacerbate it with an increase in taxes and a lowered speed limit, which increases the overall amount of fines.
In 2021, we saw an increase in the amount of 20mph speed limits introduced, the figures they utilised to push for this came from a study which showed that at 20mph “there was a 2.5% chance of being fatally injured”. They did it under the guise of safety, but anyone will tell you the trickiness of driving under 20mph.
A Freedom of Information Request has now revealed that 8,338 Fixed Penalty Notices were issued in 2021 as a result of the new speed limit. As more 20mph roads get implemented, we can only expect that number to increase. On average, an FPN is a fine of £100. That’s roughly £833,800 that is being squandered on trivial things like housing illegal migrants. In layman’s terms, you, the working class, are required to pay more frequent speeding fines as it is very tricky to drive under 20mph, all the while, that extra income for the government is being wasted on things the taxpayer didn’t ask for.
In 2021, there were considerably fewer 20mph roads than there are now, that means with each year, the honeypot of gold is only set to increase into the millions. Transport for London intends to roll out 137 miles of 20mph roads by the year 2024 and though it may be safer, the other argument they use that it’s “better for the environment” is nothing but a con so that they can make more money out of you. No evidence suggests that this will help “reduce carbon emissions”, and even if it did, where is the evidence that lower carbon emissions is good?