Aftermath – Have You Forgotten Yet?

Aftermath – Have You Forgotten Yet?

Aftermath Have you forgotten yet? For the world’s events have rumbled on since those gagged days, Like traffic checked awhile at the crossing of city-ways: And the haunted gap in your mind has filled with thoughts that flow Like clouds in the lit heavens of life; and...
Accusations Against Sir Thomas Picton Dispelled

Accusations Against Sir Thomas Picton Dispelled

Sir Thomas Picton was acquitted, a fact embarrassingly and conveniently not mentioned by his present day accusers. One could say that what we are witnessing is tantamount to a kangaroo court. The maligning of a Great Welsh Hero. At no time was Sir Thomas Picton...
Hungarians Fought to Free Themselves From Communism

Hungarians Fought to Free Themselves From Communism

By doing nothing, you're allowing the past to repeat itself and you don't even see it coming. We are showing you. Stand up for your rights. Stan Says: within a lifetime (1989) the evil and wicked Socialist ‘Iron Curtain’ began to be torn down. The phrase...
Islamic Terrorism Remains as Potent As Ever

Islamic Terrorism Remains as Potent As Ever

Stan Says: In almost 50 years since the Rivers of Blood speech Enoch Powell warned us as he wrote: “Like the Roman, I seem to see “the River Tiber foaming with much blood”, suggesting that continued immigration and the enshiring of race equality...