UNN has fully exposed Don’t Pay UK as being a socialist organisation with different intensions than first perceived. They aren’t there to help combat the cost of living crisis; but to push their own agenda and today marks the beginning of something new; an alternative to Don’t Pay UK, but one that believes in our democratic core values; freedom, liberty and sovereignty.
Don’t Pay UK suggests that we should all stop paying our energy bills. One or two people may get away with it, but if this is done on a large scale then it will push people further and further into debt and towards bankruptcy. Why, you may ask? If you neglect to pay, then more often than not, you will receive a deadlock through the door giving you 30 days to comply, if their demands are not met, they will send a reference to your credit rating agency; rendering you unable to take out a loan, get a mortgage, use your credit card, etc.
In light of this, we saw a gap that needed filling; an alternative that stands with the people, and thus we bring you Don’t Pay The Right Way. This new movement of freedom-loving individuals will provide educational videos on how to spend and waste less money (and maybe even how to cost them money), and loads more. We will also organise rallies, lectures/seminars, massive outreach campaigns, protests, etc.
We have brought together a huge team of real grassroot activists in order to bring this new campaign to fruition.
If you would like to support us, please head to our website; www.dontpaytherightway.co.uk. We have also listed our Social Media Channels below:
Telegram – https://t.me/dontpaytherightway
Gettr – https://gettr.com/user/dontpaytherightway
Truth Social – https://truthsocial.com/@dontpaytherightway
Twitter – https://twitter.com/dontpayrightway
Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRgIjRMSoFB8L0W02y6oMQQ