Nick Adderley, of Northamptonshire Police says:
Police Recruits are quitting within weeks due to violence on the frontline and not wanting to work weekends and nights.
Chief Constable Adderley is in disagreement with the College of Policing over the necessity of future recruits obtaining educational degrees as a condition of service.
The head of the College of Policing, Chief Constable Andy Marsh, (well known for his lenient handling of left wing protestors who were allowed to throw the Colston statue into a river) appears to be taking yet more woke advice from his daughters who advised him on the Colston protests.
He would be well advised to listen to experienced officers already working the streets for years, and it may come as a surprise to some, but the role of a Constable will always involve working nights and weekends, and dealing with repeated violence on a regular basis.
The situation will get far worse as we see the result of uncontrolled borders with new arrivals to the UK. Not only will the Police have our own British thugs and criminals to deal with, but due to inaction from Priti Patel we now import criminals, paedophiles and desensitised jihadists from many other countries.
The use of illegal drugs, firearms and knives is widespread amongst our communities. The solution to the problem isn’t degrees and students churned out brain washed from Universities of wokeness. Policing needs a robust response, recruit constable’s based on their abilities to deal with violent offenders/incidents. Recruiting 6 stone skinny geeks , graduates with a degree in flower arranging or enforced woke quotas based purely on gender, sexual preference or skin colour will lead to increased crime and disorder throughout the UK.
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Violence will rule the streets which will keep us plebs stuck home even more. Maybe another trick to contain us!!