On our live show 23.09.21, we had 3 guests on all doing fantastic work! The first guests included Students Against Tyranny co founder James & Voice of Wales Jr Reporter Kalial. Here we discuss the recent Wales Online hit job on them for daring to question the narrative on Covid! Wales On Line article.
Follow them on telegram here http://T.me/studentsagainsttyrannyofficial
They also have a crowd funding page here if you would like to support https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/students-against-tryanny
Our second guest was concerned parent Gareth. Gareth has served his school with a notice reminding them of the law which prevents children under 18 being able to give consent for any medical treatment still in the experimental phase.
If you would like to remind your school, HERE is a form you can download and serve the school.
To watch the live of the night with all 3 guests, please click HERE