In October, we covered the fact that South Wales Police issued a statement asking for more people to report Hate Crimes, this was in the midst of Hate Crime Awareness week which ran from the 8th to the 15th October. The reason this was so newsworthy was because crime rates are increasing at an astronomical rate, but arrests for those crimes have been on a steady decline over the past few years. There was even a report by Mander Hadley Solicitors which indicated 91 per cent of all crimes in England and Wales go unpunished. In fact, the Sunday Times reported that, “the percentage of solved burglaries has nearly halved in seven years across England and Wales” concluding that only 5% of all burglaries go unpunished or are even ever solved. For me, this is also fortified by the fact that when my Dad’s car got stolen, the Police refused to come out, yet, when I used the term “undocumented alien” it apparently warranted two uniformed officers being sent to my parents house on a busy Saturday evening in Cardiff.
It is becoming exponentially clear, they are more concerned about bending over backwards to the woke brigade and committing thought policing in true 1984 fashion, than solving any of the real crimes.
A recent FOI sent by us to South Wales Police revealed that they spent £2445 on promoting Hate Crime Awareness Week. In the FOI response, they explained, “South Wales Police recognises that hate incidents and crimes, where people are targeted because of the nature of their diversity, affect not only the primary victim but also their families and the wider community.” Before we continue, I would like to interject that what we’re seeing a lot of, especially recently, is that anyone of ‘minority descent’ who is attacked, it’s a hate crime, whereas, if you are a white straight male, it is only a crime even if there was racial motivation behind the attack! Why are crimes rated worse depending on the skin colour of the victim? Why are crimes not investigated equally instead of catering to ‘minority groups’? A violent attack is a violent attack and should be treated as such, there should be no preferential treatment just because of the skin colour of the victim… that is racism.
They continue, “crimes motivated by ‘hate’ emphasise feelings of difference rather than focusing on what is shared in common, breeding suspicion, mistrust, alienation and fear are often perpetrated against victims who are particularly vulnerable due to their individual circumstances.
“The responsibility to investigate and bring justice to perpetrators of hate crimes is a priority for South Wales Police”. Again before we carry on, I would like to emphasise that they are admitting hate crimes are their priority. Not child sex trafficking, not robberies, murders, etc, but hate crimes are their priority. South Wales Police further commented, “we are committed to taking a caring and proactive approach when responding to the needs of victims and investigating hate crimes. We believe this caring and responsive policing style is essential in helping raise the confidence levels of often vulnerable individuals and building overall public satisfaction and trust of the police within minority communities.”
South Wales Police may definitely be building public satisfaction and trust within minority communities, but we can say for definite that they are losing trust and satisfaction within the ‘indigenous’ communities as they feel SWP are favouring so-called ‘minority groups’ over ‘non-minority’ groups.
South Wales Police concluded, “[we recognise] the need for the care of victims to be delivered in the most professional manner and that the level of support must be appropriate to the needs of each individual victim. All necessary measures are taken to provide immediate practical help and ongoing reassurance to victims as South Wales Police strives to be the best at understanding and responding to our communities’ needs.
“The Chief Constable and the Police and Crime Commissioner have set a priority for increasing the confidence of victims to report incidents of hate crime and for action taken by the police and their partners to reduce repetition of hate crime.”
There you have it, out of the horse’s mouth; South Wales Police have admitted they believe hate crimes take judicial priority over ‘ordinary crimes’. It’s also worth noting that hate crimes don’t have to include any physical violence; use the wrong terminology or offend someone and you could be guilty of committing a hate crime.