Guest Writer - Radio Heaven
So St David’s Day is here again, a time for Welsh school children to celebrate their Welshness with flags and leaks and daffodils on the day designated for the 6th century Monk, David Bishop of Mynyw; Teacher preacher, church and monastery founder.
I’m sure David was a good man but I’m probably not the best choice of person to talk about St David or saints in general purely because as a Christian I don’t believe that man or church has the authority or the power to canonise a human being and state that they are holy.
Scripture tells us that only God himself is truly holy, and that holiness, or righteousness is not something we can achieve through any good works we may humanly do. The only righteousness we receive is through repentance (turning away from our sinful lives) and placing our trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and saviour. We take on his righteousness as a gift by the grace of God by accepting him. It’s not something we can earn, it is purely a gift.
As I said, I’m sure Bishop David was a good man a Godly man, but there is a danger that this manufactured holiness can make people feel that we are not good enough to approach the throne of Christ let alone walk into a church without fear of rejection. I know that is certainly true of myself but what you will find in many churches is that if you have got things desperately wrong in life, if you have made terrible mistakes, if you have done things you are really not proud of, you will be in very good company because the majority of people in the church have been there, but there is one thing they all have in common, they have received the peace of knowing Jesus and they are all work in progress in turning away from their previous life and becoming more like Him.
These broken damaged people are the real saints because they have realised that the only route to righteousness is through Yeshua Hamashiach Jesus the Messiah
These broken damaged people are the real saints because they have realised that the only route to righteousness is through Yeshua Hamashiach Jesus the Messiah
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Amen ✝️🩸🙏
Through Faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ his grace shall set us all free from our past Sins and gives us a path to Gods eternal peace in Heaven.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts . A great way to start my day .
Amen brother.
Dydd Gŵyl Dewi hapus!
A renowned preacher, his final words to his followers before his death on 1 March 589 were “Be joyful, keep the faith, and do the little things that you have heard and seen me do.”
God Bless
‘Do the little things in life’ (or ‘Gwnewch y pethau bychain mewn bywyd’ in Welsh) became a saying within Wales and aligns well with the things individuals are asked to do to help fight climate change.