Voice Of Wales LIVE 06.10.22

Voice Of Wales LIVE 06.10.22

On tonight’s show, Dan & Stan discussed South Wales Police Inspector found GUILTY of assault. Hate Crime reporting on the rise in 2022, police checking people’s thinking AND MORE!  Click on the button below, to view the different options on how you can...
OAN Discusses James Harvey, Voice of Wales

OAN Discusses James Harvey, Voice of Wales

Shout out to OAN for covering the most recent thought checking process by South Wales Police! We have now been featured in Italian, German and now American media! It’s great to see this is being watched by the world! Click on the button below, to view the different...
Hate Crime (Misogyny) Bill Presented to Parliament

Hate Crime (Misogyny) Bill Presented to Parliament

A Bill that was presented to Parliament on Wednesday 24 November 2021. If passed, it would make motivation by misogyny an aggravating factor in criminal sentencing and require police forces to record hate crimes motivated by misogyny. The College of Policing are...