Police BLOW 66k on LGBT Tat

Police BLOW 66k on LGBT Tat

In this section, Dan & James discuss the recent news that the 27 of the 43 police forces for England & Wales BLEW 66k on Pride tat Click on the button below, to view the different options on how you can support VOW. SUPPORT VOW Follow VOW on these socials...
The Police Are NOT Politically Neutral.

The Police Are NOT Politically Neutral.

The supporters of Paedophiles have always had friends in very high places. We have seen on many occasions how the Establishment and in particular the British Police have thrown their full support behind the LGBTQ plus Movement, they openly take part in LGBTQ parades,...
Voice Of Wales at Swansea Pride Parade

Voice Of Wales at Swansea Pride Parade

Last weekend Voice Of Wales attended Swansea’s Pride parade. A family day with BDSM fetish masks on proud display supported by Swansea Council and worst of all, South Wales Police who should always remain impartial. What would happen if there was a counter...