VOW with Byron & Danielle John

VOW with Byron & Danielle John

Tonight 8:30pm we will be premiering our interview with Byron & Danielle who lost their son/brother through school bullying. What’s worse is it would appear the school went to extreme lengths to cover this up. Click on the button below, to view the different...
Schools On Notice

Schools On Notice

On our live show 23.09.21, we had 3 guests on all doing fantastic work! The first guests included Students Against Tyranny co founder James & Voice of Wales Jr Reporter Kalial. Here we discuss the recent Wales Online hit job on them for daring to question the...
School Covid-19 question letter

School Covid-19 question letter

With the Government continuing to reduce the age of people who will be eligible for the Covid-19 vaccine, i feel it will only be a matter of time until they insist that our children also be vaccinated. Back on the 10th of November 2020, the then Secretary of State for...