A teacher from Stanwell School in Penarth, Vale of Glamorgan, was suspended after a police investigation into illicit content involving minors was discovered on his laptop.
Voice of Wales have been aware of these reports for the past week as many exaggerated rumours have been circulating from the school which is one of the top secondary schools in Wales. By exaggerated, it seems the rumours mentioned that three teachers were involved, though the allegations made against the other teachers have been disproved since we began our investigation.
A teacher at the school has been arrested and suspended, confirmed by the school’s head teacher in a letter addressed to parents.
The letter, which can be found here, explains “we want to reassure you that there are no safeguarding concerns in relation to any other members of staff in connection with this investigation and that Stanwell pupils are in no way at risk.” One parent, who wishes to remain anonymous, explained to Voice of Wales, “My daughter said the children are all talking about what’s going on. My 11 year old said her friends told her the teachers were sharing porn… and asked me what it meant.” It is apparent the children are aware of the stories and investigation, raising anxiety amongst themselves and parents.
A body has been found by a cliff on Penarth beach which has fuelled more rumours that the teacher involved has committed suicide. However, Stanwell has commented: “We are not able to give any further information at this time due to the ongoing police investigation.”
With the new RSE ‘sex education’ being implemented, which will teach kids about masturbation, anal sex, and transgenderism; is all very worrying. Where there’s a job that involves children, there will always be the risk of paedophiles. Unfortunately this could leave the system vulnerable to paedophiles teaching children this new RSE curriculum in order to indoctrinate and groom them, and fill their own perverted sense of sexual gratification.
New laws were recently introduced making it near-impossible to opt your children out of these lessons, which means the only way to avoid them is to pull your children out of school altogether.
PCP Wales ( Public Child Protection) is a campaign group dedicated to opposing the new RSE curriculum and laws which appear to protect paedophiles.
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This needs to stop now! I’m ready to unite & stop all this madness!!