Opinion piece.
Before you read this article, which may cause offence to some, I wish to clarify; I am not a Christian, nor am I religious. However, like many, I do believe in a higher power which I personally maintain is important; faith is what gives millions of people around the globe hope, though conversely, it is the leading cause of wars that have lasted for decades; whether that be Afghanistan, Israel, France, etc. You can read more about the importance of religion in “Coming Apart”, which explores the separation of American social classes through the generations.
Throughout history, the world has seen thousands of new religions arise predicated upon testimonies of people claiming to be prophets or the son of God and though this isn’t a pro-Christianity piece, my mind wanders to Matthew 24:11, “many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.” Many of these ancient religions are all established upon the exact same mythological structure. Confused as to what I mean? Let me explain a little better:
• Jesus: Born December 25th, born of a virgin, birth accompanied by a star in the east, followed by three Kings, had 12 disciples, performed miracles, crucified for three days, died, resurrected.
• Horus: Born December 25th, born of a virgin, birth accompanied by a star in the east, followed by three Kings, had 12 disciples, performed miracles, crucified for three days, died, resurrected.
• Attis: Born December 25th, born of a virgin, birth accompanied by a star in the east, followed by three Kings, had 12 disciples, performed miracles, crucified for three days, died, resurrected.
• Krishna: Born of a virgin, birth accompanied by a star in the east, had 12 disciples, performed miracles (such as turning water into wine), resurrected.
• Dionysus: Born December 25th, born of a virgin, had 12 disciples, performed miracles, crucified, resurrected.
• Mithra: Born December 25th, born of a virgin, birth accompanied by a star in the east, followed by three Kings, had 12 disciples, performed miracles, died, resurrected, Sunday worship.
Interestingly, there is an astrological correlation with this. The star in the east is “Sirius”, on December 24th it aligns with the three brightest stars in “Orion’s Belt” or more commonly known as the “Three Kings”, which they’ve been called since the dawn of time. Sirius along with the Three Kings all point towards where the sun rises on December 25th. Understand yet? “The three Kings follow the star in the East in order to locate the birth of the son” There is more, such as the Virgin Mary, or the constellation “Virgo” (Latin: Virgin) with the Greek hieroglyphic being the letter “M”, this is why the mother of Buddha also begins with “M”, her name is “Maya”.
Religion is the essence that keeps many communities together; it’s what gives them faith, hope, clarity, and reasoning. Many people follow the parables within Christianity and it’s what gives them an ethical code and moral compass. In many cases, religion is good, but in certain cases it’s not. “Muhammad’s Quran: Why Muslims Kill for Islam” is a good read and documents why Muslims kill for Islam, why they are allowed to rape white girls and why they commit so much violence. But conclusively, I thought this information might appeal to you and answer you in this age-old quest to find whether religion is real or fabricated for the goal of establishing control. Islam, like the book of Mormon, have one fundamental flaw; they are both based on the words of one person, unlike, Christianity, which is based on testimonials from hundreds of different people (even though it is admittedly the most heavily edited text in existence). Muhammad used the Quran so he could make sex with Aisha ‘okay’ and justify committing acts of violence. An argument I’ve heard many times is that the Bible included violence too, but that argument isn’t relevant now as a new testament was brought out completely eradicating violence and “homophobia” from the Bible, whereas, Islam still holds the same ideologies that it’s okay to have sex with slaves (even if they are underage) if you are fighting a war, and in their mind they are… with anyone who doesn’t follow Islam. Take what I say with a pinch of salt, I do believe religion has its place – I’m just posing the question; was it all fabricated to gain control?
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Yeshua is the Christ. According to the Astonomical positions of Revelation 12. Yeshua was born on Wednesday evening September 11th on 3 BC. On 9/11 2001marked the beginning of the end of western Judeo Christian values, we all in this country enjoyed and benefited from.
Yeshua said “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, have everlasting life.
Where are we? Youtube Catching Up With Jacob Ep 94
God Bless
It’s interesting that the “Zeitgeist” myth is still alive and well. Tell any scholar even atheist scholars of the Ancient Near East that Jesus is a copy of another dying and rising god, sit back for half an hour to give them chance to stop laughing and they will tell you why this just isn’t possible. Here’s a little explainer video we did just for fun. Mithra appeared out of a rock as an adult and no evidence of him ever dying let alone being resurrected. Dionysis was a product of sex between Zeus and Semele and the story goes that he was torn to pieces boiled in a pot and eaten by the Titans. One version of this story does say that the pieces of his body were sewn back together and he lived again but this version wasn’t written until 200 years after the crucifixion. Sounds like they copied the Jesus resurrection detail not the other way around. Finally Horus well we’ll leave you to view our video here just for laughs. Seems that Jesus is the only example of a dying and rising god anywhere in history. Who would have thought! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkmxQfKqpFY