Our thoughts and prayers are with the Hutchings family.
Dennis Hutchings passed away hours after his non-jury trial .
It’s the Military, not the reporter who has given us the freedom of the press.
It’s the Military, not the poet, who has given us the freedom of speech.
It’s the Military, not the politicians that ensures our right to life, our freedoms and the pursuit of happiness.
It’s the Military who serves our Monarch and the Oath – both have swore are to protect and preserve our ancient rights under common law.
It’s our military who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag.
It is the military family both serving and who have served, the country looks to in her hour of need. Don’t let a man go to his grave without the entire nation paying tribute to Dennis Hutchings.
He served and was still fighting when he lost his final Battle. Please pray for him, his family and those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for freedom.
Voice of Wales
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RIP. What a despicable way to torment a serviceman unto death.
R.I.P! This persecuted old soldier can stand down.
RIP Dennis.
You were betrayed by a corrupt government who care nothing for our Veterans.
You fought a brave battle to the very end. You have my complete and utter respect.
Rest easy now, those left behind will continue to fight on in your name.
R.I. P Dennis, you were brave to the end.
Dragged away from family and friends at the end of your life was despicable to say the least.
I listened to you speak at our March in Glasgow. You were a force to be reckoned with in life, and no doubt after death.
Your tour is over, rest easy sir.
Beyond despicable that Dennis had to spend his last days fighting the system. Tony Blair has a lot to answer for, hanging him and others our to dry.
I have said many times posted many times. That Denis and other like him. Every soldier who served on Op Banner. We have been let down by our Government.We have parade up and down the country in protest. We marched and turned our backs on Parliament. Nothing has changed.
Now is the time to say farewell to a Man a Soldier who has gone to his grave betrayed for do his duty.
Denis may you Rest In Eternal Peace. Stand down your duty is done. You will be remembered.
Sincere Condolences to Dennis family aa gentleman and a innocent man to the end its a disgrace what the poor man was put through and for what ?
I agree with the previous comments Tony Blair has a lot to answer for
RIP to a true officer and gentleman. Sleep well Dennis.
Hounded to death by the British Government.
This will never be forgotten.
A man of courage, a man of honesty, a man of great dignity and above all a loyal Veteran and Soldier.
A man who was always at the front of the Justice For NI Veterans and a man I shall never forget.
Rest softly Dennis we the Veterans will stand Shoulder to Shoulder on your behalf until this unjust Witch Hunt is ended!
You gave your today so we could have our tomorrow. For Queen and Country. Amen.
When the people win over control of this beautiful, beautiful island of ours, I suggest we the people award Sir Dennis Hutchings a posthumous Knighthood in our attempt to compensate hi for the pain he suffered at the hands of this Treacherous “govrnment”…………
“It’s the Military, not the reporter who has given us the freedom of the press.
It’s the Military, not the poet, who has given us the freedom of speech.
It’s the Military, not the politicians that ensures our right to life, our freedoms and the pursuit of happiness.
It’s the Military who serves our Monarch and the Oath – both have swore are to protect and preserve our ancient rights under common law.
It’s our military who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag.
It is the military family both serving and who have served, the country looks to in her hour of need.”
Very well said by the Voice of Wales……R.I.P. Sir Dennis Hutchings
My Friend .. My Hero… The most gentle of gentlemen… Your Duty here is done Dennis… Stand Down my friend … your brothers and sisters will take it from here.
Please find the softest pillow to rest his head upon. Places kiss upon his cheek and tell him who it’s from. Until We Meet Again Dennis. Bev & John x
When We, the Dignified Folk of this Once Wonderful, Traditionally Christian Four Nations win over control of these Beautiful, Beautiful Islands of Ours, I suggest We The Folk award Sir Dennis Hutchings a Posthumous Knighthood in our attempt to compensate him for the pain he suffered at the hands of this Treacherous globalist Puppet marxist “government”…………
“It is the Military, not the reporter who has given us the freedom of the press.
It is the Military, not the poet, who has given us the freedom of speech.
It is the Military, not the politicians that ensures our right to life, our freedoms and the pursuit of happiness.
It is the Military who serves our Monarch and the Oath – both have swore are to protect and preserve our ancient rights under common law.
It is our military who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag.
It is the military family both serving and who have served, the country looks to in her hour of need.”
Very well said by the Voice of Wales……R.I.P. Sir David Hutchings
Rest easy Sir Thank you for your service
Lest We Forget
My comments are not suitable for here ! My sincere condolences to his family and regiment
Those that destroyed this man should hang their heads in shame. The woke left ones have a lot to answer for.
To hound this gentleman, who did what was asked by our government of that time to protect our citizens they should have guilt in their hearts for the rest of their lives RIP you honored your country & worked with pride something we lack today RIP
He acted like a Gentleman and a Soldier throughout his ordeal at the hands of unrelenting investigations into events that had already been investigated , and his name cleared , more than a few times !
Hounded unto death by those who he fought and betrayed by those who sent him into battle BUT DENNIS GOT THE LAST LAUGH HES IN GLORY NOW while his enemies are in HELL FOR ETERNITY 🔥🔥🔥
Dennis plz forgive us for the pains you have gone through and we ain’t fixed it! You had no choice but too serve and do your duty this is all so wrong! Love you an salute you hero 🥲
Thank you for your service Sir. May you rest in peace.