On Wednesday we covered the students against tyranny demo on Swansea Wind Street. It was student night so a great target audience. Hope you enjoy.


  1. Has anyone joined the Vaxx Control Group? You are issued with a card which should allow you to bypass this nonsense.

  2. Yeah I have joined vaxx Control, I am agreeing with u all the way! It is nonsense

  3. An organisation that prides itself on freedom to express an opinion and honesty deletes a comment that it doesn’t agree with from its website …anyway try again

    The kid in the video arguing with the bouncers, he’s on the autistic spectrum and I would give him a wide berth if I was you. Dealt with plenty of recruits like him in the forces.

    • Well, that’s discrimination right there, especially as all these, mainly boys, on the Autistic Spectrum are from vaccine damage when babies. My own son has Aspergers and, like this lad in the video, is far more clued up on what’s going on than everyone else!

  4. There’s better things to do than drinking copious, unhealthy amounts of alcohol, anyway.

  5. Hospitality don’t require Passports so why are the door people asking for them?

  6. Amazed at how ignorant these students are, literally DYING for a pint and screw!

  7. The majority of people are sheep, they will believe untruthes just so that they don’t have to re-think things. Society has many mechanisms in place since years to poinson us humans with ‘medication’ based on misdiagnosis. There’s a bunch of bullies through all ranks, and since they need eachother and lie, they work together always. And then there’s us: the detetectives. The courageous ones with honor. The good will win, but it will take a very long time and a lot of pain until some sheep become courageous and righteous too. *Connect the dots, act* (March 2020 to June 2020) .. until finally resistance rose accross the world https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ya1i5z7ms38xzny/AAB_69v4kcDUKoxia6fFSeYYa?dl=0

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