Welsh War Hero Under Attack!
Sunday, 14th August will see yet another attack on Welsh war hero Sir Thomas Picton. Arranged by the Government Brown of Shirts, Stand Up To Racism West Wales, the next attack titled “Picton Must Fall” will be in Carmarthen Park band stand. The anarchist group will begin to muster at the band stand at 14:45 planning to tell the story of the thief Luisa at 16.00 along with the punishment she received under Spanish Law by order of Sir Thomas Picton’s black mistress Rosetta Smith.
Rosetta Smith was an Afro-Trinidadian slave trader and entrepreneur who used her wiles to manipulate the governor. The couple had 4 children together which also leads to the question “How is Sir Thomas Picton a racist?”
Picton’s reputation was built on his military prowess. He fought under the Duke of Wellington during the Peninsular War. Wellington described him ‘as rough a foul-mouthed devil as ever lived, but he always behaved extremely well’. He rose to military success and was the highest-ranking officer to be killed defending Britain in the Battle of Waterloo, 1815. Picton was injured in a previous battle but concealed this injury to go on and fight in the Battle of Waterloo where he was fatally wounded.
The Battle of Waterloo was fought on Sunday, 18th June 1815, near Waterloo in the United Kingdom of the Netherlands, now in Belgium. A French army under the command of Napoleon was defeated by two of the armies of the Seventh Coalition. This defeat liberated Europe from slavery so again it’s very strange why the hate groups like Stand Up To Racism target Sir Thomas Picton.
This is not the first time the Obelisk has been under attack. During the height of the BLM riots, the Welsh Government along with local councils planned to take down any street names, monuments, statues relating to the slave trade over 200 years ago. Voice of Wales highlighted this to the people of Wales with Councils and Government receiving a fierce backlash from the people.
Carmarthenshire County Council then put out an online survey. Again, Voice Of Wales highlighted how this survey was floored. Not only was it online only, which meant many Carmarthenshire residents not online could not participate, however, you could enter your details multiple times – which was exploited by far left hate groups. This survey was pulled and the Obelisk was to stay. This was due to public feedback and consultation and help from Voice Of Wales.
Recently, in the Welsh National Museum in Cardiff, a famous painting of Sir Thomas Picton was moved into a side room. In a recent post by local rag the Western Telegraph, the public were asked how they felt about Picton being moved into a side room and the majority of responses were against it with comments such as “Woke, woke, woke”, “He is our history”, “A brave man” and many more similar comments. It’s no surprise that when the public are asked, they are generally against anything ‘Woke’ being pushed on them.
This, however, seems to have motivated the far left mob into having another go at removing the Obelisk in Carmarthen, calling for this coming protest.
Voice of Wales believes that these groups simply hate being British and everything associated with being British. They hate our culture and will use any loop hole they can find to “pressure” knee bending councils and governments into changing or erasing it.
Voice of Wales will be in attendance on the day and we will be bringing you footage live from the scene. We will want to document the protest, what is said and review it in an article when we return. We hope the protestors don’t follow other groups who have, in the past, behaved badly by damaging, vandalising or desecrating the monument and we hope there is a police presence to ensure this doesn’t happen.
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Wow thɑt was unusual. I just wrote an really long comment but after
I cliϲkеd submit my comment didn’t appear.
Grrrr… weⅼl I’m not writing all that over again. Anyways,
just wanted to say fantastic bl᧐g!