Voice of Wales are pleased to bring you part 1 of our trip to Wembley. In this section you will see high spirits, carnival type atmosphere with no trouble what so ever.

We bring you some interviews with the fans and some mixed opinions against the Marxist Knee. All united though that politics should be kicked out of sport!

We also caught up with Ex Army Paz and got his views on the taking of the knee.

After watching the below vid, click HERE to see Wembley Part 2

1 Comment

  1. Awesome recording, outstanding. Politics must not be a part of any sports, its wrong on every level. BLM is a Marxist organisation and people really must wakeup to this FACT. ALL Lives do indeed Matter, Black and White must come together and stop this pathetic and deluded Marxist knee taking, do not let the Marxists win for they are trying to divide us…

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