The Green Agendas Is Overtaking Common Sense

The Green Agendas Is Overtaking Common Sense

Your Title Goes Here Stan says: I wrote some weeks ago about Agenda  21/30 and the NWO plan to make our great Country dependent solely on China. The Green agendas is overtaking common sense. The U.K. will now be spending £2.4 BILLION paying farmers to not grow food!...
Banning Conversion Therapy

Banning Conversion Therapy

Conversion therapy ban receives royal assent, now law in Canada Some Conservative MPs sat stone-faced last week while other colleagues celebrated the swift passage of the new bill through the Commons. Stan Says: How can anyone ‘affirm’ anything?One day I...
The Boxing Day Fox Hunt (Not A Real One)

The Boxing Day Fox Hunt (Not A Real One)

Boxing Day Tradition Stan Says:  Voice of Wales didn’t attend a Fox Hunt on Wind Street on Boxing Day – We attended a Hunt who had a human fell runner as the ‘bait’ for the hounds to chaise. I really am amazed however that lamping & hare...
Our Second Disrupted Christmas

Our Second Disrupted Christmas

Merry Christmas Stan Says: For the second year one of our holiest festivals has been disrupted and our Christian roots and traditions once again are being attacked. This Christmas before we enjoy the company of our families and the joy of partaking in the small ‘t’...