Recent news is that six UK-based police forces have been placed in special measures after an inspector found “substantial and persistent” concerns which are allegedly exacerbated by the number of “inexperienced recruits brought in as part of the national drive to replace thousands of officers cut during austerity measures.” Some of these concerns also stem from a damning report, published last March, which revealed that the force’s ability to tackling corruption was “fundamentally flawed.”
But what does this mean? Well according to Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue, the measures “will place extra scrutiny on the Met”. Special Measures are used after a typical review (usually triggered every few years) finds “substantial” failings and “significant or enduring concerns” which then escalates the review into the “engage” stage, more commonly referred to as “special measures”.
This often means that the specified police force will be monitored much more intensely and with an increased level of scrutiny. It also comes with a requirement that the forces leadership creates an improvement plan. Later, a kind of “watchdog” group, independent to the UK Government, will publicly scrutinise/criticize the changes made to the police force by the leadership and address whether the initial problems have been resolved.
We have been tricked countless times in the past with false hope; the inquest into the parties at Downing street, the so-called independent ‘inquiries’ into the treatment by our government during the Covid19 Pandemic, etc. Is this just another false hope? Or could we see the wokeness and political misconduct by the Met police remedied over this review?
My personal opinion is no. All of the UK police forces have become so woke for fear of being branded by the left as “fascists”, “racists”, “homophobic”, etc that they have effectively bent over backwards for them, this is driven forwards and effectively encouraged by the majority of their leadership. We can’t keep getting our hopes up that things are going to change. I mean, they could! But no use holding out hope for it. The police have become the branch of woke enforcement and for the time being, that’s something we must deal with. Also, how do we know that these alleged “reforms” wont be used in order to push more diversity and “inclusivity” training. An article by the Police Oracle, published on the 28th June 2022, shows how far they have gone to try and make the police force as woke as possible, “In Kent, every single officer, regardless of rank, will face a diversity and inclusion panel before their main promotion board.”
However, to cut the police some slack, earlier this year the Chief Inspector – the man in charge of carrying out all UK inspections – stated “we’re not the thought police”. You can read more on that here. HM Chief Inspector, Andy Cooke, was appointed last April and hopefully if he has enough sway and influence during the special measures procedure, then wokeness and politics could be ditched from the force all together. Only time will tell.