Stand Up To Racism Haven’t Got a Clue

Stand Up To Racism Haven’t Got a Clue

Recently, the government funded Neo Brownshirts at the Fascist Stand Up To Racism were out in Swansea handing out flyers. The flyers branded Voice Of Wales (along with others) “Nazi’s”. When approached by Stan (Voice Of Wales front man), not only did...
Voice of Wales With the National Socialists 2

Voice of Wales With the National Socialists 2

While we were in Telford, James decided to pop over to have a look at the merry band of national socialists, Stand up to Racism. Click on the button below, to view the different options on how you can support VOW. SUPPORT VOW Follow VOW on these socials Telegram GETTR...
Voice Of Wales Reports On Stand Up To Racism Flop

Voice Of Wales Reports On Stand Up To Racism Flop

On Sunday 14th August, Stand Up to Racism led my Patrick Connellan had a second Stab at pressuring Carmarthen Council to remove the Picton Obelisk. This Obelisk has been standing for nearly 200 years. Sir Thomas Picton is the most highly decorated Welsh War hero who...