Here, Dan & James review some of the local Welsh headlines to try and find out why Wales is in such a mess.


  1. Mark Drakeford the culprit, Wales is struggling. He has spent millions of our money on propping up our white elephant of an airport which just happens to be one of the worst performers in Europe. Over £180 Million in grants in under 3 years

  2. Wales is a mess because of obsessive selfishness coupled with leaders who are only concerned about themselves and maintaining their own power and control. No-one wants to do something for the good of others without there being some benefit for them. The root of this attitude is because most people in Wales have decided to turn their back on Jesus Christ and the Bible.
    The teachings of Jesus had a profound effect on most Welsh people about a hundred years ago. You only have to look around and see all the empty / derelict / re-purposed churches and chapels to prove this was true. Even the South Wales police complained they had no-one to arrest and their only duty was controlling crowds attending church.
    In my opinion unless there is a return to Jesus things will only get worse.
    About 20 yrs ago I lived in Wrexham. At that time we had problems with young gangs going around the streets throwing projectiles at elderly people’s houses and making their lives feel terrible. I don’t know if that’s still the case.
    I now live in Florida, probably the “free-est” place on earth at the moment. I’ve never seen or heard of that type of problem here. The USA is definitely not perfect but I’m grateful that I presently live here. Who’s to say if that will last for long. To be honest its not just Wales that’s a mess. The whole world is a mess.
    God bless you. I am praying for Wales. Please pray for the USA.

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