Attention University Students

Attention University Students

Cross The T's and Dot the I's If you’re a university student that will be affected by the new draconian policies implemented in April, please click on the form below and enter your email address so we know how to contact you once a working solution has been...
COVID Was Engineered by China

COVID Was Engineered by China

MPs have been told that the Wuhan lab leak is now the most likely origin of the Coronavirus pandemic. Stan Says: Over 18 months ago, indeed at the very start of the Pandemic Voice of Wales blamed China for the biological attack on not just our Country but every...
New Requirements to Show Proof of Vaccination

New Requirements to Show Proof of Vaccination

New Rules Stan Says: On Tuesday 14 December the House of Commons debated and approved new requirements to show proof of vaccination against COVID-19, or a negative COVID-19 test, before entering certain venues and events.Read what was said during the debate:...
UK to Participate in China’s Genocide Games

UK to Participate in China’s Genocide Games

The Genocide Games by Not Sending Any Politicians The UK will be sending Olympians to China’s Beijing games, although it will keep officials at home in a poor simulacrum of a boycott, according to Boris Johnson. “Stan Says: whatever platitudes the “great...
‘Dead Moggies’ Deployed as a Distraction

‘Dead Moggies’ Deployed as a Distraction

Plan 'B' Has Been Plan 'A' All Along ‘Stan Says: When ‘dead moggies’ are deployed as a distraction, you know it’s to cover up something worse! With the Omicron Variant being reportedly far weaker than the other mutations but more infectious...