‘Dead Moggies’ Deployed as a Distraction

‘Dead Moggies’ Deployed as a Distraction

Plan 'B' Has Been Plan 'A' All Along ‘Stan Says: When ‘dead moggies’ are deployed as a distraction, you know it’s to cover up something worse! With the Omicron Variant being reportedly far weaker than the other mutations but more infectious...
Rules Don’t Apply To Boris Johnson

Rules Don’t Apply To Boris Johnson

Boris Braver Than We Thought. One rule applies to them, and another to us, and frankly I don’t see why we can’t just get on with life. The prime minister is not expected to isolate after taking a flight with a member of his staff who has tested positive...
A Choice between Boris & Corbyn Is the Problem

A Choice between Boris & Corbyn Is the Problem

Dominic Cummings: “We got at the last election a choice between Jeremy Corbyn and Boris Johnson, I think any system which ends up given a choice between two people like that, for people to lead, is obviously a system that has gone extremely, extremely...